So I got the pleasure of having this little cutie in today for his 1 year pictures.
We started off at the studio and took a few shots then we ended up heading down to the ball field and railroad tracks by Monument park.
Ok so let me first say I knew it was in the forecast to rain...BUT....I really thought we'd have some sort of warning first. A little sprinkle and then it to really rain, you know like it normally would.
Nope, I was asking too much!! I was able to get a few shots of little man on the tracks and then a few in the grass. His momma wanted him to have some fun with a cupcake too! I'm all for this because I just love messy kid shots. Wouldn't you know he took two bites of that yumm-a-licious cupcake and BAM...downpour!!!! When I say downpour....I mean downpour! Oh and let's not forget the gusting wind that followed!! (I would've grabbed a pic just to show but I had dirt and sand flying at
Needless to say we didn't get to finish our session so little cutie pie will be heading back to see me tomorrow to finish his smash cake!
In the meantime, here's a few images we got today
Check back soon for more pics of this precious little guy!!
{for more up sneak peeks and news make sure you 'like' my Facebook fanpage too!!}